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Happy Halloween!


You don’t celebrate Halloween?  That’s okay.  I know people who go all out with the decorations and costumes, I know people who won’t participate by dressing up but enjoy passing out candy and seeing all the children and I know people who turn off the lights and go to the movies so they don’t have to acknowledge that trick or treating happened.

It’s all okay.  In my house, we visit the pumpkin patch, we carve pumpkins and we dress up.  We have decorations for the outside of the house and we have decorations for the inside.  We take the kids trick or treating and we negotiate for the snickers bars.  Then on the day after Halloween, we go and buy 1/2 priced candy.  Because, well, Snickers.

Today was supposed to be the day I decorated the inside of the house.  But I’m sick.  I’m at that part of the sickness where you do only what is absolutely necessary, because the cold meds are just barely taking the edge off.  So, I’m sitting here drinking tea, listening to the whirr of the oven fan and thinking about all sorts of things to share with you.


Its been over a month since I wrote about that man’s t-shirt at the football game.  I’ve discussed it over Facebook, Twitter and with my local friends.  My article was shared on AltMuslimah.  I’ve met with the school’s Vice Principal and talked to him about my concerns.  This is what has happened.

I met with the Vice Principal and he talked to me about how multicultural our school is, how when he walks around, he sees kids from all walks of life intermingled.  They don’t segregate themselves by race, gender or religion.  He expressed shock at seeing the photo I shared with him and understanding.  Then, he promised to discuss this matter with the district security board.

When I heard back, it was as I expected.  The school has control over the student’s dress as it pertains to school and school functions because we have an established district dress code and code of conduct that states, “Apparel, emblems, insignias, badges, or symbols that promote or advertise the use of alcohol, drugs, tobacco, sex-related slogans, violence or any other illegal/inappropriate activity are prohibited.” But spectators who are not students, have freedoms under The First Amendment to wear whatever they like.

Again, the results are as I expected.  So, why bother?  Because nothing can be gained unless you ask and make people aware of your concerns.  You must speak up to be heard.  Silence is consent.

One Comment leave one →
  1. Pam permalink
    10/31/2015 5:18 PM

    Students wearing hijab promotes a religion. This religion has perpetrated great violence recently (even today) against those who will not submit to it and against those who slander the prophet. As an American, I can slander the prophet all day long if I want, but that is not the way to win souls (or friends) and I would not. However, if I did, what would those students do? Would they attack me? Try to kill me? Or would they allow me my rights to make the argument in the context of a particular class discussion? I think any of the three is possible given the range of theories Muslims seem to hold about what their book says. Most probably, given this is an American school where these students appear to be assimilating, they would be peaceful. Groups like CAIR, however, are making progress in promoting division and violence, and that may not always be the case. Our country went to war against an enemy that calls Americans “infidels”. If some dude wants to proudly declare he’s an infidel to show solidarity with our troops, why would you go to the principal? This is America. You are an American. Instead of trying to silence him, why don’t you spend your efforts taking a stand against those Muslims who are raping, beheading, crucifying, burning, drowning “infidels” ? They are the problem. Thanks for reading my response.

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